Enormous business opportunities being created by China – Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) are knocking the doors of entrepreneurs across the globe. Pakistan will be a beneficiary by having world class road and rail infrastructure, communication network, surplus energy, special economic zones equipped with all the desired facilities and above all, a large regional market of around three billion people. Pakistan is rich in natural endowments, like minerals, fertile agricultural land irrigated through one the largest canal system, rains and tubewell; five season, deserts, mountains; a very hard working dedicated cheap labour force and deep sea ports of Karachi and Gwadar. Government of Pakistan is establishing a number of special economic zones and offering long-term liberal tax regime to the investors who will establish business units in those zones.
You might be looking for a credible professional firm to assist you in realizing the dream to avail this unique opportunity. S.U.Khan Associates offer you the services you might be looking for, including the following:
Selection of suitable special economic zone to locate your business (depending upon the type of business) and executing lease agreement of the selected industrial unit;