Global Outreach

Participation in International Events

To keep them abreast of global developments, our Partners do regularly participate as panelist/speaker/delegate in international events organized by international organizations. As part of their resolve to disseminate professional knowledge they keenly schedule webinars and impart training on emerging topics. To increase and further develop their professional skills, our Partners do attend courses at institutes of international repute.

Pakistan Entrepreneur Award, 2024 by the CxO Global Forum:

The Regional Innovation and Vision in Equitable Food Systems (THRIVE) Workshop – FAO and CRSD:

On November 23, 2023, Mr. Saifullah Khan attended “The Regional Innovation and Vision in Equitable Food Systems (THRIVE) Workshop.” This workshop marked the formal launch of the Regional Leadership Development Academy for Food Systems in the Near East and North Africa Region, a collaborative initiative between the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Centre for Resilience and Sustainable Development (CRSD) Program of the University of Cambridge.

Zayed University, Dubai, UAE – Lecture on “Anti-Dumping and Derivatives”

On November 21, 2023, Mr. Saifullah Khan lectured at Zayed University on “Anti-Dumping and Derivatives” for finance students. They grasped the concept of Anti-Dumping Law and using derivatives to hedge risks effectively. Engaging questions were raised by students and Professor Costas, leading to fruitful discussions on legal and commercial impacts of dumping and Anti-Dumping measures..

8th World Investment Forum at Abu Dhabi, UAE

On October 17, 2023, Mr. Saifullah Khan was invited as a panelist to World Investment Forum organized by FAO at Abu Dhabi. The event “Technology and innovation to increase resilience and support climate change adaptation and mitigation,” highlighted the importance of innovation in climate change, particularly in digital agriculture. He emphasized the necessity for harmonized regulations to propel innovation, a lacking aspect in the NENA region. Following the event, Mr. Saifullah Khan’s analytical study on “Regulatory Framework for Agriculture Data in the NENA Region” was launched at the FAO Pavilion, furthering discussions on regulatory improvements.

Seminar on Data Privacy & Cyber Security Organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

On October 5, 2023, Mr. Saifullah Khan and Mr. Saeed Hasan Khan alongside other speakers, during the webinar, enlightened the audience about data privacy laws prevalent in the UAE, they explained fundamental concepts and highlighted awareness about compliance obligations of the data privacy laws.

Webinar on Unlocking International Growth: Navigating Global Privacy Laws for Gulf Organizations

On October 3, 2023, Mr. Saifullah Khan & Mr. Saeed Hasan Khan in collaboration with Prighter (United Kingdom) co-hosted a webinar. The panelists emphasized the crucial requirement for data controllers processing personal data, targeting individuals in the EU or UK, to appoint a representative.

WTO Public Forum 2023 – Geneva, Switzerland

On September 2023, Mr. Saifullah Khan participated in the WTO Public Forum 2023, focusing on the theme “IT IS TIME FOR ACTION.” The event emphasized the urgent need for global cooperation to revitalize multilateralism. Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown echoed this sentiment in his presidential lecture, stressing the importance of collective efforts to reform international institutions.

Personal Data Privacy Protection Sectoral Working Groups Event at Doha

In May 2023 Mr Saeed Hasan Khan attended the week long “Personal Data Privacy Protection Sectoral Working Groups Event” at Doha organized by the National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA)/National Data Privacy Office (NDPO). The event discussed sector specific matters concerning protection of personal data. The sectors discussed during the event were Financial Services ,Education, Health, Hospitality & Transport, Government entities.

Meeting of the Regional Network of Experts on Agriculture Trade (RNE-AT) of the Food and Agriculture Organization – Amman, Jordan

On May 2023, Mr. Saifullah Khan participated in a Technical Workshop hosted by the FAO NENA Regional Office on “Food Safety and Trade Facilitation.” As a member of the Regional Network of Experts in Agriculture Trade (RNE-AT), facilitated by the FAO NENA Regional Office, Mr. Saifullah Khan delivered insights on “Perspectives from the Private Sector: Challenges in Trade and Food Safety in the NENA Region.”

Zayed University, Dubai, UAE – Lecture on “Anti-Dumping and Derivatives”

On 26-April-2023, Mr. Saifullah Khan delivered a lecture on “Anti-Dumping and Derivatives” to BA Finance students, both at male and female campuses of Zayed University, UAE, and was impressed with the quality of questions, the interacting capabilities and enquiry about the industrial application of Financial Derivatives by the students. It was remarkable that the Finance students found no difficulty to understand the concept of dumping and injury, and their relation with Financial Derivates – the most difficult financial instruments.

IR Global: On the Road – Bangkok, Thailand

Mr Saeed Hasan Khan attended the IR Global “On the Road” event at Bangkok, Thailand during March 14 to 18, 2023.

Pakistan Chemical Expo 2023

On February 08, 2023, Mr. Saifullah Khan moderated the plenary session on “Current Situation of Economy and Way Forward”. The session was a great success. High profile panelists including industry experts and former government ministers shared their thoughts and suggested way forward for the industry to cope up with the economic crises.

Leap Tech Conference at Riyadh

Mr Saeed Hasan Khan attended LEAP Tech Conference at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (February 2023). The conference excellently showcased technological developments in AI and Robotics etc. The startups have also participated and exhibit their amazing innovative products and services.


On October 23, 2022 Mr. Saifullah Khan – Director Bizilance Legal Consultants Limited was invited by Dr. Mona Mostafa El-Sholkamy, Associate Professor at the MBRSG to deliver a lecture on “Global Governance and Personal Data Protection”. The audience was government officers from different ministries who are enrolled for Masters in Public Administration. The lecture focused on highlighting the governance / global governance with reference to protecting privacy of individuals as being an integral part of the governance. During the lecture, he explained why there was a need to have laws on personal data protection in furtherance of achieving governance by the states. Basic principles, contained in Personal Data Protection Law of the United Arab Emirates, were also explained during the lecture.

Webinar on Personal Data Protection Framework in UAE: Rights and Obligations

Bizilance Legal Consultants in association with Mondaq United Kingdom has organized a webinar on October 19th 2022. Our Directors Saifullah Khan, Saeed Hasan Khan and Alfred Strolla – Founder & CEO of Strolla Limited were the panelist in the webinar and highlighted the global need to have laws on personal data protection and rights & obligations under the UAE Personal Data Protection Law. The webinar was well attended by a diversified geographical and professional audience and we thank them all.

Recording of the webinar can be accessed below:

Meeting of the Regional Network of Experts on Agriculture Trade (RNE-AT) of the Food and Agriculture Organization:

June 3, 2022, Rabat, Morocco.

Training Course on Facilitating Trade for Food Security:

May 30 – June 3, 2022, Rabat, Morocco

Pakistan Institute of Trade and Development (PITAD):

Delivered lectures to the newly selected Trade Diplomats of Pakistan and to Officers of the Afghan Ministry of Commerce and Industry, May 24 & 27, 2022, Islamabad, Pakistan on “Trade Defense Mechanism of the WTO”.

Top 100-Lex Falcon Awards:

Mr Saeed Hasan Khan has been awarded with the prestigious “Top 100-Lex Falcon Awards” at the LexTalk Global Hybrid Conference on 24th March, 2022 in Dubai. He also delivered a presentation, during the said conference, on “Legal Framework regarding Personal Data Protection”.

Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government (MBRSG):

Lecture on “Global Governance and Antidumping: one of the emerging public policy issues”, March 13, 2022, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Food for Future Summit & Expo:

February 23, 2022, Exhibition Centre, EXPO 2020, Dubai, UAE organized by the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment of the UAE and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Mr. Khan expressed his thoughts on the need and challenges to regulate the Agri Data collection through Information & Communication Technology means.

Zayed University, Abu Dhabi:

Guest Lecturer, November 30, 2021. The lecture was entitled “Anti-Dumping and Derivatives”.

Top 100-Lex Falcon Awards:

Mr. Khan has been awarded with the prestigious “Top 100-Lex Falcon Awards” at the Lex Talk Global Hybrid Conference on 8th April 2021, in Dubai for his great achievements and global experience & expertise in the anti-dumping practice and others. Mr. Khan delivered a presentation on “ANTI-DUMPING MEASURES – Know your rights & manage your risks”.


“A Guide to Cyber Security, Privacy and Data Protection in Pakistan” in association with Legal 500, March 4, 2021.

Harvard Law School:

Attended a very informative Executive Education Program on Negotiation (PON), April 9 – 11, 2019, Dubai, United Arab Emirates on Cooperative and Competitive Negotiation Strategies.

Pakistan Trade & Investment Conference 2018:

November 5, 2018, Shanghai, China.

Trade Facilitation & Electronic Business – Forum Hangzhou, China:

Mr. Khan was invited by United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business -UN/CEFACT and delivered a Presentation on “Legal Issues in e-Commerce” on October 17, 2018 at e-Commerce Conference organized under “Trade Facilitation & Electronic Business – Forum Hangzhou, CHINA.

Building Bridges Digitally – Ecommerce and its Potential:

October 13 – 14, 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Mastering Trade Policy:

Mr. Saifullah Khan completed an Executive Education program on “Mastering Trade Policy” from John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Executive Education – August 2018.

10th International IT Forum:

June 05 – 06, 2018, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian Fedration

4th e-Commerce Week of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development at Palais des Nation, Geneva:

Mr. Khan moderated one session and spoke as a panelist in three other sessions during the 4th e-Commerce Week of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) at Palais des Nation, Geneva, Switzerland from April 16th to 20th 2018:

What is the Economic and Social Impact of Online Platforms:

Mr. Khan spoke as a Panelist in a session “What is the Economic and Social Impact of Online Platforms”. This session was organized by Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) on 16th April 2018 as a part of 4th e-Commerce week.

Ministerial Roundtable: Advancing Women’s Digital Opportunities:

On 17th April 2018, Mr. Khan spoke as a Panelist in a session “Ministerial Roundtable: Advancing Women’s Digital Opportunities”. This session was organized by UNCTAD.

Public Private Dialogue to Drive E-Commerce:

On 17th April 2018, Mr. Khan spoke as a Panelist in a session “Ministerial Roundtable: Advancing Women’s Digital Opportunities”. This session was organized by UNCTAD.

First Global Meeting of E-commerce Associations:

On 19th April 2018, Mr. Khan spoke as a Panelist in a session “First Global Meeting of E-commerce Associations”. This session was organized by NetComm Suisse e-Commerce Association along with UNCTAD.

Thank EU – Achieving Full Potential of GSP Plus:

Mr. Khan has Moderated a Panel discussion “Achieving Full Potential of GSP Plus” during the event “Thank EU” organized by the EVOLVE Business Publication held at Marriot Hotel Islamabad on December 07, 2017. This event was attended by Diplomats, Government Officers and Business Executives to offer thanks to EU for awarding GSP Plus status to Pakistan.

WTO Public Forum 2017:

Mr. Khan, actively participated in the Public Forum organized by the WTO in Geneva from September 26 – 28, 2017. The theme of this Public Forum was “Trade Behind the Headlines”.

WTO Public Forum 2016:

Mr. Khan, actively participated in the Public Forum organized by the WTO in Geneva from September 27 – 29, 2016. The theme of this Public Forum was “Inclusive Trade”.

Fourteenth session of the Ministerial Conference of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD 14):

July 17 – 22, 2016, Nairobi, Kenya.

Seminars organized by WTO Cell of Ministry of Industries, Government of Pakistan:

In 2012, Mr. Khan as an External Expert guided the importance and scope of the Anti-Dumping, Subsidies & Countervailing and Safeguard Measures of the WTO in the context of trade with India and how these trade remedy laws could be meaningfully applied to the domestic industry of Pakistan during a number of Seminars organized by the WTO Cell of Ministry of Industries, Government of Pakistan in different Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Pakistan (Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Islamabad.

Expo 2020 Dubai:

Saeed Hasan Khan addressed the audience at Pakistan Pavilion – Expo 2020 Dubai (January 2022). He enlightened the audience about legal framework concerning “Doing Business in Pakistan”.